Staffordshire Bull Terrier Health Issues or Concerns

Known health issues in the breed include

  •  canine hip
  •  elbow dysplasia
  •  progressive retinal atrophy
  •  cerebellar ataxia
  •  hypothyroidism and heart disease
  •  Staffies are really rocket powered, with some suffering gas problems
  •  Many Bull Terriers have a tendency to develop skin allergies. Insect bites, such as those from fleas, and sometimes mosquitoes and mites, can produce a generalized allergic response of hives, rash, and itching.

  •  This problem can be stopped by keeping the dog free of contact from these insects.
  •  Adding oils to their meals can also vastly improve the quality of their coat.
  •  Any whiteness around the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, stomach or hindquarters with a short and sparse haired breed such as this must be protected against the sun with a gentle but high SPF factored sunscreen to prevent sunburn and subsequent cancer.
  •  Bull Terriers can also suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, such as tail sucking, self mutilation, and obsessive licking.

English Springer Spaniel Health Issues or concerns


  • All floppy-eared dogs need consistant ear-care.
  • Most veterinarians recommend cleaning the ears weekly as a preventative. If you see dark brown wax, it's a sign of trouble.


  • Some Springers have been diagnosed with eye problems. 
  • Retinal dysplasia and retinal folds are genetic defects present at birth in which the retina may be curved or irregularly shaped and may also be detached. 
  • They cause small blind spots, but rarely cause a problem for the dog.

Joint Problems

  • Canine Hip Dysplasia can affect Springers, though the percentage of affected dogs is moderate.  CHD is inherited through a combination of multiple genes.
  • Puppies from two certified dogs can still have hip problems. 


  • Phosphofructokinase deficiency (PFK) is a recently discovered inherited autosomal recessive trait,  found in ESS's and some ECS's.
  • The PFK gene regulates the level of enzymes that convert sugar into energy. 
  • Symptoms of an Affected dog are intermittent dark urine, pale gums, fever, and poor appetite. These symptoms usually occur after a period of stress or strenuous exercise. 

Seizure Disorder

  • Data collected at this point seems to indicate that incidence of this problem in ESS is similar to the number of affected dogs in the general canine population, but somewhat more difficult to control. 

Allergies, Thyroid

  • English Springers sometimes have skin/allergy problems; however, the percentage of dogs with these problems is fairly low. 
  • Keeping the environment clear of fleas, as well as supplementing the diet with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids can go a long way to controlling skin flare-ups.
  • Many breeds have occasional dogs with thyroid problems. Lethargy and coarse coat can be signs of a problem. Blood tests and medication can keep it under control.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Origin , History and Discription

United Kingdom
The breed attained recognition to The Kennel Club on 25 May 1935. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club was formed in June 1935, a couple of months after the breed was recognised by the kennel club.

United States

 The breed was recognized in the U.S. by the American Kennel Club in 1975.

The very purpose for which they were created has given this dog breed a tainted reputation. History records that the dogs had to be beaten harshly in order to make them even more aggressive against their rivals inside the fighting pit. Today, the Staffies pride themselves not only as guardians but also as endearing family pets and amazing show dogs.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Description

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a muscular dog, very strong for their size.
  • The head is short and deep with a broad skull, short fore face, distinct stop and strong jaws. The nose is black. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. The lips should be tight and clean. The round eyes are dark in color, in relation to the coat. The somewhat small ears are either rose or half pricked.
  •  The front legs are straight.
  •  Dewclaws are sometimes removed and the paws are medium sized and well padded. 
  • The low-set tail is thicker at the base, tapering to a point, carried low. The tail should not curl much and may be likened to an old fashioned pump handle. 
  • The smooth, short coat comes in red, fawn, white, black or blue, or any of these colors with white and in any shade of brindle with or without white markings.